Our first blog
When Richie came to me with an idea to start a blog together; a place for us to share our thoughts, music we like, interviews, opinion pieces and fun things which we couldn't talk about at length through other media, I didn't hesitate when saying "let's call it AROHARDCORE!"
Our friend James had jokingly used the hashtag #arohardcore when Richie and I were having an Instagram conversation about having a demon spawn together many months ago, so it was naturally the first thing that popped into my head.
So here it is. Our baby. It's not demonic, but I can't guarantee it will be a well behaved child. I also can't guarantee that Richie and I will see eye to eye and share the same opinions, but we'll always be friends (even when he forces me to listen to Screamo Hardcore music).
When I finished up after 15 years of hosting a show on Auckland's independent radio station 95 bFM, I found myself hungry for a new platform where I can share music that makes me happy. I also want to share conversations and ideas that engage people and might challenge the status quo.
Thinking of someone else who hadn't grown out of their love for music, attending concerts and who is similarly interested in living in a healthier and happier world; I reached out to Aroha. She had a snappy name on hand for the new venture, so we chucked a bunch of raw ingredients into a test tube, shook it up and this baby came out! Lo, a blog was born!
I'm sure there will teething issues as our baby grows (are you bored of this metaphor yet?), but I know it's gonna be a fine time.