Sometimes people just need some Respite care, which is a short stay, a break from your everyday life when it seems unmanageable or overwhelming. Puna Whakataa offer a 14 day respite service for people with mental health, and or, addiction issues.
Medical Detox in Auckland.
Depending on what you're using, with sever substance addictions people need help withdrawing medically, especially with alcohol, benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, that short of thing) and synthetics. Going cold turkey can be really dangerous for a users health, so it's important to seek medical advice. Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) have a Monday to Friday drop in service and their detox unit is located at Pittman House in Point Chev. There's also a social detox run by the Auckland City Mission, based in Federal Street.
Private treatment options are available for detox too, if you can afford them, such as Zen, and Turning Point.
Residential Abstinence Based Programmes
From detox it'd be recommended to go directly to residential treatment. There's the Bridge Programme which is an 8 week residential treatment, run by the Salvation Army. There is also Higher Ground, which is four and a half months, and is an intensive treatment programme. You could also look at Odyessy House which is open ended time wise, so it's based on progress, without a designated time period and end date. These are all Government funded, which means there will be a waiting list, but won't cost your family or yourself anything.
Community Based Outpatient Programmes
In Auckland, there is Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS). They have walk in clinics on the North Shore, Point Chevalier, Kingsland, the North Shore, West Auckland and South Auckland. For the most part they focus on community based harm reduction. That means you can go about your day to day life, but are able to attend an out patient program a few nights a week.
There is also Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous who run meetings around the country that anyone can drop to and explore the well established 12 step program.
Pre and Post Treatment
Wings Trust are provide residential pre and post treatment to help people seeking total abstinence transition into treatment and from treatment back out into the community. You can be referred there by other services, such as Higher Ground and The Bridge, or self-referral is also an option, which is suggested. Pre-Treatment is 8 weeks long and post treatment is four months. It's a 12 step based programme with no religious affiliation.
Porn Addiction.
After an interview I did that went viral people from as far away as Kuwait and Bangladesh were emailing me looking for places to get help for their porn addiction. Online there is NoFap which helps people recover from their own addiction as well as providing information for partners and parents. There is also Fight The New Drug, which do a lot of activism in the anti-porn space and provide some guidance and a supportive online community when it comes to quitting. Wellington has Sex Love Addicts Anonymous, (SLAA)who offer 12 step meetings for people who have compulsive needs around sex and relationships, which I think is useful to include here. SLAA also have a list of meeting on their site for their meetings in Auckland. There's also a lot of psychotherapists and councillors in private practice who deal with porn addiction, so you can always explore that route. The Roberts Street Clinic, Auckland City Therapy, and Psych'd Ltd all have practitioners who you might like to engage with.
Family Support
Addiction or substance abuse can have lasting impacts on the people around a user, but there are places you can get help to make sense of what has been happening in your life. Being around addiction can make things chaotic and confusing, but don't lose hope, things can and do change.
Nationally, Al-Anon use the 12 step approach to help give understanding and hope to friends and families of alcoholics. Check their site for lists of meetings. The Kina Trust help people affected by others addictions, and their website is really helpful. Lastly, and again Auckland based only, there are CADS friends and family support options. You can call them on 09 845-1818 or drop into any of their units between 10am and 1pm Monday to Friday.
Substance use, abuse and addiction is a tricky problem to deal with and there is no one size fits all solution, but I hope this short list is helpful. As I said, I'll expand on this article with further options around the country in the future.