If we are serious about ending bullying, we need to be doing more than wearing pink T-shirts.
If we don’t want our young people being bullied, adults need to role model a culture change. It astounds me to look at the profiles of parents who repeat lies and say the worst things about people they perceive of thinking the wrong things. People are quick to be seen to say the right thing about the target of the week, and the online disinhibition effect means they don’t consider the impact on the other human being they are attacking. If you care about stopping bullying and our terrible mental health statistics, maybe think about what you share, and who you follow, and what you subscribe to. If it’s all nasty shit and about tearing people down rather than building others up, perhaps reflect on what that is contributing to in our culture and if you want to be part of it. Unfollow people who are routinely nasty. Disincentivize being awful.
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